Friday 14 February 2014

Valentine's Day No No's

I received an interesting email recently about what NOT to give your Valentine.

Here's a list of the 10 worst Valentine's gifts according to that email.

Your thoughts??
Even if you have discussed it, and badly need a toaster, Valentine's Day is not the time to get one. There is a good chance that it will last way more than your relationship.
Gym Membership
Everyone wants a gym membership, but no one wants to be told they need one. And especially not on Valentine's Day.
You want to break the norm and give your loved one something different than flowers? Great! But a cactus isn't the answer, even if it is cute as this one.

#Valentine's Day
# Worst Gifts
Name Tattoo
This one depends much on how long you've been with the person, but chances are, it hasn't been long enough. This will most probably freak out your significant other.
Gift Card
Way too impersonal! This just shows that you didn't put much thought into looking for a gift.
Bathroom Scale
Valentine's Day is not the time to gift your loved one with anything that even remotely suggests she's anything short of amazing, just the way she is.
How to Make a Sandwich Book
This is going way too far. You strive to be funny but that clearly isn't the way to do it. The most you can get is a frying pan flying your way.
Facebook Gift
Even if it might be cute on random days of the year, a virtual gift for Valentine's Day won't be looked upon very nicely.
A snake can be an amazing pet for a reptile lover, but as a Valentine's gift it probably sends the wrong message.

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